Thursday, November 6, 2008

What Exactly Obama Will Do

As I have been called to task, I will now have to put my extremely limited knowledge of the US Presidential campaign to the test and try to predict what President Obama will actually do.

1) Pull out of Iraq.

Might not be tomorrow, might not be Saturday, but I have a very strong feeling there will be a pullout of Iraq by the end of 2010, at the latest. Gradual, not an immediate pullout, but a pullout nonetheless.

2) The Attorney General won't be William Ayers.

I realize it's a negative, but it won't be him. Sorry MC.

3) Raising taxes.

He's got to. He shouldn't but he's got to. Don't ask me what taxes, but certain ones must be raised.

4) Improve of US relations.

At least temporarily. This will not be as drastic as many people think, partially due to the fact that Bush was far less unpopular worldwide than he was in the minds of many demoliberals. But at least initially, perception of the USA has dramatically improved (something that would not have happened should McCain have won).

5) Chicago will win the 2016 Olympics.

How can they not now? It will be the last year of Obama's term, and for them to host the Olympics in the first American black President's hometown will be too much for the IOC to resist.

6) 2012 Election Prediction: Obama over whomever.

It won't be with 300+ EC votes this time. But he's going to win in 2012 as well. The Republicans should be looking 8 years down the road.


Mike said...

At least temporarily. This will not be as drastic as many people think, partially due to the fact that Bush was far less unpopular worldwide than he was in the minds of many demoliberals.

I'm not saying you're wrong, cause I don't really know, but this is the first time I've heard anyone say this. Why do you say it? Are you speaking of the world in general, or only other governments, or only the people...?

Lawyer Kid said...

Just my personal take on my impressions of world leaders relations with W. Definitely not the general population, but more on a "world-leader to world-leader" perspective.

Jamie A. Grant said...

Tip o' the hat for your various predictions. I jokingly dissed you for being vague but I do believe that this post was the most specific one yet...