Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Very Briefly

Spending mass amounts of dollars in governmental programs and jacking up the tax burden on the average person is not the way to deal with an economic recession or crisis. This will only add more burdens to the average joe who is struggling to make their mortgage payments.

Ironically, when it comes right down to it, most people hate governmental interference in their lives, except when wannabe governments are advertising billions of dollars in spending (then they love it...except when they forget where the government money is actually coming from).

I think most people feel that they know how to spend their own money alot better than the government does.


Anonymous said...

I'm not out to advocate some tax 'n spend liberal policy with this comment. But seriously? People are stupid with their money. If "people" knew how to spend their money "better" than the government, wouldn't the US look a whole lot different now?


Anonymous said...

I feel like I should say that my comment above has nothing to do with any actual political view of mine. I'm just saying, is all.

Jamie A. Grant said...

Lib! Lib! Lib! Finally, Mike shows his true colours...

Lawyer Kid said...

I get what you're saying, Mike, but my argument is always that people should be entitled to do with their paycheque what they want. If that means squander it...well, that's their choice.

I guess at the end of the day I'm always going to favour individual choice with ones finances rather than governmental dictatorship over what I do with my paycheque.

Lawyer Kid said...

And PS - why don't you ever post from your blog? IE - why are you never signed in?

Anonymous said...

Because I can never remember my gmail or password. It takes me like 5 minutes to sign in, trying out variations.